gems - Terminal Broadcasting

We had a issue for the next Warp Talk. All the talk will be done with a shell as presentation tool. But people won’t see the text on the shell trough the cam, as it resolution is limited. Isaac have found vía Debian package of the day Gems. Gems allows exactly what we need, broadcast a terminal by tcp/ip. Screen would be the first thought, but a ssh connection from unknown people was needed :S....

2009-02-19 Â· 1 min Â· 157 words

WarpTalks Febrero 2009

Desde Warp Networks estamos promocionando un ciclo de charlas con nombre clave “warptalks”. Principalmente serán charlas técnicas relacionadas con el software libre impartidas por los trabajadores de Warp. Aunque es una iniciativa interna y todavía estamos probando, queremos compartir la experiencia con el resto del mundo a través de internet. Este viernes, día 20 de febrero 2009, tendremos el honor de contar con Adeodato Simó, que impartirá la charla “Perder el miedo a Git en 90 minutos” a las 18:00 (hora Europe/Madrid)....

2009-02-18 Â· 1 min Â· 161 words

First Warp Talks

2009 Starts quite interesantly. This Monday took place the first Warp Talks, a project of training between employees at Warp Networks. The last Monday of the month will take place a new Warp Talk. koke and me where the first speakers. I made an introduction to subversion, and he did a talk about 10 things you might not know about MySQL. Koke took a camera and recorded our talks at the same time they were being broadcasted at justin....

2009-01-30 Â· 1 min Â· 86 words