One of the biggest problems with Bootcamp comes the day you need a bigger mac partition.

The Disk Utility on MacOs X can’t resize partitions if using Bootcamp, and resizing Mac GPT partition from linux can be risky. So, you can buy a pro partition utility… or you can resize from shell without rebooting and without burning a boot CD.

First is making some room for the new partition. Resize and move your Bootcamp partitions to leave some free space at the begining, between the mac partition and the first bootcap one. Ok, here you may need to burn a Live CD and boot from it.

If you want to boot again on linux, you should sync gpt table. Use “gptsync” from refit. Then reinstall grub by doing:

# grub
grub> root (hd0,2) # hd0,2 is my / partition on linux.
grub> setup (hd0)

Now you’re ready to reboot on mac (Can check before that linux is still booting).

On mac, from terminal, use “diskutil resizeVolume” to resize Mac Partition. In my mac it was:

$ diskutil list # list your partitions
$ diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 limits # disk0s2 is my mac partition
For device disk0s2 Macluzo HD:
	Current size:	55700357120 bytes
	Minimum size:	37094010880 bytes
	Maximum size:	56509181952 bytes
$ diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk0s2 56509181952B # I used the Maximun size
Resizing Volume
Adjusting Partitions
[ + 0%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100% ]
Finished resizing on disk disk0s2 Macluzo HD

And that’s all Folks :)